It’s a word that is often absent in the workplace, but like a powerful color applied to a canvas it can send a strong message. Why are people so hesitant to use it?
Along with the vibrant “yes,” the word “no” has its place in the palette of our business communications. The challenge is understanding when and how to incorporate it, especially early in our careers.
Let’s start with ethical concerns.
Circumstances that warrant the immediate use of “no” include unlawful activity: being asked to lie, embezzle funds, or falsify documents, for example. But in other situations where the request isn’t illegal, it can be hard to know where to draw the line. The simple answer is: It’s up to you.
It’s never acceptable for anyone to ask you to do something or act in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable or that violates your ethical code, whether at work or off the clock. Our ethics and moral code come from our upbringing and work experiences, which impact our judgment. We should never have to do something that compromises our beliefs, regardless of the circumstance.
The challenge is that we're all different, with varying and possibly contrasting beliefs, which means that something that’s ethical to one person may be unethical to another. Does that mean you should compromise your own beliefs? Absolutely not. It does mean, however, that you have to give significant thought as to why and how you are going to say “no” to something when others may say “yes,” especially at work.
Understanding your limits is another key factor in saying “no.”
Recognizing when to voice a disagreement or refusal is a way of creating awareness that our work capacity is finite. Overcommitting can impair our performance and well-being. The word “no” can help us set boundaries for a more transparent and constructive work environment.
Say “no” if managers or team leaders ask you to do something that is unnecessary or possibly harmful to your team’s efforts. It shows that you understand your position, responsibilities, and deadlines.
Say “no” to demonstrate your leadership skills. Saying “no” allows you to talk more openly about your work capacity and to structure your workload so you can have the highest impact. This can help position you for leadership opportunities down the road or those that unexpectedly arise in the near future.
Say “no” to underscore your reliability. Saying “no” can help build trust between you and others in your organization. Turning down tasks or projects you don’t have bandwidth for shows your manager and peers that you’re organized and understand your workload. When you do commit to something, they trust you to finish it.
Say “no” to prevent burnout. Burnout is on the rise, with a recent study showing that nearly one in four of workers experience burnout four or more times per year. Saying “yes” when you want to say “no” can cause overwork, resentment, and lead to burnout.
Each of us has a unique viewpoint and, optimally, should have the flexibility to select projects and clients that align with our values without fear of repercussions. Regardless of your role or career stage, thoughtful consideration of your comfort level with projects or companies is crucial. Let your ethical values and personal beliefs guide your choices.
Once a decision is made and rationalized, it’s important to stand by it. Repeated self-doubt can hinder progress.
Think of “no” as a versatile tool in your professional toolkit — a delicate brush to pull out when you need to paint your boundaries, create definition on your canvas, and artfully create balance in the workplace.
Kathryn Lancioni is a communication expert and the founder of Presenting Perfection.
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